Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Syllabus D-126 Spring 2010

Asheville-Buncombe Technical Community College
DRA 126 – Storytelling

Tuesdays 6:00-8:50 p.m.
Spring 2010
3 contact hours, 3 credit hours -- no pre-requisites, no co-requisites

Instructor: David Novak Department: Humanities and Fine Arts
Classroom: Fernihurst Annex A (The Coach House) 111
Office Hours: n/a
Phone: 280-2718
Email: novateller@aol.com
Class Blog: http://basicstorytelling.blogspot.com/
Required Texts:
Best-Loved Folktales by Joanna Cole
The Way of the Storyteller by Ruth Sawyer

Course Description:
This course introduces the art of storytelling and the oral traditions of folk literature. Topics include the history of storytelling, its value and purpose, techniques of the storyteller, and methods of collecting verbal art. Upon completion, students should be able to present and discuss critically stories from the world's repertory of traditional lore. This course has been approved to satisfy the Comprehensive Articulation Agreement general education core requirement in humanities/fine arts.

Course Goal General Understanding and Performance of Storytelling in Oral Traditions and Modern Practice.
Course-Specific Competences (Intended Outcomes)
Upon successful completion of the course, students will be able to:
identify a variety of story types from diverse cultures and periods;
discuss and tell those stories in formal and informal settings.

General Education Reinforcing Experiences:
Communicate effectively in speaking, writing, reading, and listening, via participation in class discussions and performances of text, and in online forums.
Locate, evaluate, and use information to analyze problems and make logical decisions, via research activities related to story assignments
Demonstrate basic competency in computer technology, via participation in online class log.
Demonstrate an appreciation of the various manifestations of cultural diversity, via selection and interpretation of multiple cultural texts.
Develop the ability to succeed as a self-directed learner, via independent research and solo performance projects.
Apply critical thinking skills to analyze the factors that influence personal development,via studying cultural texts, exercising personal aesthetic judgment, developing effective public speaking skills.

Attendance. Please understand that you will need to devote a generous amount of time away from the classroom reading and preparing. Students are expected to attend class, and I do take roll. I need students to be in the classroom to practice and discuss storytelling, and that can’t happen if you’re not here, so if you don’t attend, your participation grade will be negatively affected. This stuff has a way of catching up with students and damaging an otherwise productive semester, so be careful with absences. If you or your child is ill, bring a doctor’s excuse to ensure that you will receive an excused absence. If you are absent on a day a test is assigned, you will not be able to make up the test without a doctor’s excuse. The college states that three tardies (being late, leaving early, etc.) constitute one absence. If you are late, catch me at the break or at the end of class to make sure I counted you present.
Also, please note A-B Tech’s Course Drop/Withdrawal Policy. Drop/Adds must happen before the 10% point of the term. Withdrawal happens after 10% but before 75% of the term is complete. If you don’t attend class and don’t submit the appropriate withdrawal forms on time, you will get a “U” which is processed as an “F” and will affect the quality point ratio. Check into the policy for more specifics.

Participation. Storytelling class is participatory and your willful presence is always needed. You’ll participate in a variety of exercises, games and improvisations. Your willingness to explore, play and have fun is essential. Please feel comfortable to talk to me about special needs.

Dress. Dress comfortably with sensible shoes and be prepared to move. Water bottles are encouraged.

Inclement Weather Policy. Closings will be announced via television or radio by 6:30 a.m. See student handbook/calendar, page 30 for specifics. The college requires that we make up any lost class time, so that may consist of rescheduling, outside assignments or activities.

Breaks. We’ll have a short break halfway through each class. A-B Tech doesn’t allow you to eat in class, so plan accordingly. Please turn off all cell phones and pagers while you’re in class.

Assessment and Evaluation:

Students will be graded according to participation in class, completion of class assignments, and quality of work submitted.

Grading Policy:

Participation = 30% (in class and online)
Assignments = 30%
Final Performance = 20%
Final Evaluations = 20%

Numeric Grading Scale
A-100-90 B-89-80 C-79-70 D-69-60 F-0-60

Drama 126 Initial Schedule, Spring 2010:

Week 1
Introduction to course and performance rubric
Concept: The role of Narrative in Everyday Life.
Exploration: Dynamics of Conversation
Oral Practice: Personal Narrative

Week 2
Concept: History of Storytelling
Oral Practice: Discussion
Reading: Sawyer: pgs 1 - 56

Week 3
Concept: History of Storytelling - Myth
Oral Practice: Discussion
Reading: Coles Story #148: “How Ma-ui Fished Up The Great Island”

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